3. Tell some anecdotes about parents and grandparents and how they met. “Imagine” a family history, either inspired by actual events or made up of fictional people and how they met. The stories must begin with an ending such as the one in The Danish Poet: "If it hadn't been for a Danish poet and Sigrid Undset and a rainy summer in Norway and a slippery barn plank and a careless mailman and a hungry goat and broken thumb and a crowded train, my parents might never have met."
There are many ways to trace one's ancestors, either by researching genealogy or through DNA tracing, but if we want to know the human stories, we have to ask family members and hope for the best.
5 comentarios:
The history is very funny because my parents met since they were very young, they was better friendly in the high school, they went to all places together, my grandmother always says that they will be together in the life, but when they finished the school, they separated because they went to other country’s to study. Five years later my mom returns to Tuxtla and my father too.
When they know that the other stay here, my father went to the house to my mother and talked for 6 hours, after they went to take a coffee. And in this moment he knows that she was the woman. He said her 3 months later if she want to be his wife.
I think that the story was very romantic because how the characters met.
if it hadn't been for the trip to canada juan wouldn't have met sofia.
juan studied in prepa 2 and met his girlfriend maria who was studying in Andes.
they had planed to study together in the university and get married.
but one day juan recived a scholarship and decided to go to Canada. in the university in canada, he met sofia and fell in love and they get married.
after a long time they returned to Tuxtla and he runs into maria and he realized that he did the right thing.
It turns out that my grandmother sent my mother to buy a soda bottle to the store in the neighborhood, and in so doing, my father was talking with a friend of her in the street. It is carrying a time when the world told him that he was looking for, but she did not know who was. So, this friend told him that my father wanted to know where she lived, and my mother (as delicate as ever), he answered: How and what cares where I live? and went. Lol
He says he spent the days and every time I walked out by what he saw there, and that until you get in the car with the bride inside!. My mother was then boyfriend, and my father's girlfriend told him how nice couple who did, but my father met my mother did better partner with him.
It did not go out and tired of asking her to reject it, until one day were all friends of the gang from my mother, and knew as my father, so they invited him and his friends. It is assumed that iban cars broken up into the disc, and returning well, but he made a return to Encerronas my mother, dropped the car and told him she was going back in the car, which turned out to be that of my father; and went. Total, which left her spin in the middle of nowhere, and the only way back was with my father, who certainly did not fell anything good. Of course, my father asked him to leave a thousand times, but my mother told him that did not want to break a relationship, which stopped when the bride, speak, but while they forget. Well my father (which is nothing impulsive him), took my mother home of the bride, you touched the door, and she went out and told him that, despite carrying 4 years together, had been in love the first time, and it was not, but the woman who was in the car, so he had no choice but to follow his heart and fight for the woman he loved.
My parents used to work in the navy, my father was geometry teacher and my mom, was a English teach, they worked in the same school when they knew, and they were in a relationship, for four years. In this time, they traveled to many places around the world, and known all continents. They were married on December 25, 1990 and currently living in Tuxtla Gutierrez, my dad works as a math teacher and my mom is an English teacher.
They have 2 sons who now will complete its high school in December. I do not know what would happen if they were not known at the same school where he worked ... maybe, I would not be born.
The story of my parents is very curious because... When they were young, they met, because the mother of my mother and the mother of my father had a big friendship, but they were not friends like my grandmathers... whatever.
10 years ago, my mother and my father went to Mexico city to estudy the university.
They was in a restaurant with they one mother, but they haven't seen yet...
My mother standed up to the badroom and my dad too, and then they saw them, and though that "is she was the little girl and boy that I met since 10 years"....
They was really exiting and they went to the table with their mothers and said all the things that happended in that moment.
weeks ago , my fathers decided to have a cute relationship. and then get married. =)
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